My Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Journey

For many people, being diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be an overwhelming and confusing time and living with the symptoms can have a significant impact on day-to-day life, both from a personal and professional perspective.

Here you can find a series of animated videos in which you find advice for your journey with IBD, In the Workplace, In Everyday Life, Pregnancy and Parenting, Remission, and Life after an IBD diagnosis.

My IBD Journey:
Life after IBD diagnosis

For many people, diagnosis with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be an overwhelming and confusing time. Not just for the person with the condition, but also for those who are close to them. Being able to move forward following a diagnosis is important. People need to have the confidence to know that they can live well with their condition. “My IBD Journey: life after IBD diagnosis” is based on the real-life experiences of people with IBD and provides advice and suggested positive steps people can take as they look to the future.

My IBD Journey:
Daily Life

For many people, being diagnosed with an IBD can be an overwhelming and confusing time, and living with the symptoms can have a significant impact on daily life. Receiving the right support and advice can help people overcome some of the challenges of living with an IBD and lead a fulfilling life. Support and advice can come in many different forms because everyone’s needs are different. “My IBD Journey: Daily Life” focuses on some of the common challenges people living with an IBD may face and ways to overcome them

My IBD Journey:
IBD in the Workplace

For many people, being diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be an overwhelming and confusing time, and living with the symptoms can have a significant impact on day to day life, both from a personal and professional perspective. For many people, work is an important part of life, and your IBD shouldn’t stop you having the job you want. ‘My IBD Journey: IBD in the Workplace’ provides support and advice about looking for a new job, how best to talk about your condition with your colleagues, and practical advice about managing IBD at work.

My IBD Journey:
Pregnancy and Parenthood

For many people, being diagnosed with IBD can be an overwhelming and confusing time, and living with the symptoms can have a significant impact on daily life; not just for the person with the condition, but also for those who are close to them. Planning for a family is exciting, and whilst extra support may be needed, IBD shouldn’t stop you considering having children. “My IBD Journey: Pregnancy and Parenthood” provides advice on starting a family, pregnancy and beyond.

These videos have been produced by Janssen, in collaboration with the European Federation of Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA). For more information about EFCCA, please visit