The startling discovery of blood in the urine is what causes most people with bladder cancer to seek medical advice. Early symptoms of bladder cancer, such as needing to urinate more frequently or experiencing pain while urinating, may also be indicative of more benign issues, such as a urinary tract infection. And while even blood in the urine can point to something else, such as kidney stones, it is important to get it checked out as soon as you experience any changes in your bladder habits. After all, identifying bladder cancer as early as possible can have a significant impact on your outlook and treatment.
البروستاتا عبارة عن غدة بحجم حبة الجوز تقريبًا، غالبًا ما تكون أكبر عند الرجال الأكبر سنًا، تقع بين القضيب والمثانة. تقوم بإنت اج السائل المنوي الذي ينتقل بعد ذلك عبر مجرى البول الذي يمر عبر مركزها.
يحدث سرطان البروستاتا عندما تتحور الخلايا الطبيعية داخل البروستاتا وتبدأ في النمو بطريقة لا يمكن السيطرة عليها. في بعض الأحيان، يمكن أن تخرج خلايا السرطان من البروستاتا وتنتشر إلى أجزاء أخرى من الجسم. يقوم الأطباء بالتمييز بين أنواع سرطان البروستاتا المختلفة كالآتي:
سرطان البروستاتا الموضعي: يقتصر نمو السرطان على غ دة البروستاتا ولا ينتشر إلى أجزاء أخرى من الجسم. يمكن أن تختلف سرعة نمو السرطان وانتشاره من شخص لآخر.
سرطان البروستاتا المتقدم موضعيًا: ينتشر السرطان خارج غدة البروستاتا إلى المنطقة (المناطق) المحيطة مباشرة.
سرطان البروستاتا النقيلي: ينتشر السرطان إلى أجزاء أخرى من الجسم ولم يعد من الممكن شفائه.
There are multiple types of bladder cancer, some rarer than others:
There are varying stages of bladder cancer, which will determine your prognosis and treatment plan.13 Stages 0 and 1 are considered to be NMIBC (non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer), while stages 2 and 3 are MIBC (muscle-invasive bladder cancer).14 Stage 4 is considered to be metastatic bladder cancer. Which type, and stage, you have can be determined based on the depth by which the tumour has spread.14
Stage 0 | Stage I | Stage II | Stage III | Stage IV |
Stage 0 The cancer has not reached beyond the inner lining of your bladder. | Stage I The cancer has grown to the connective tissue between the inner lining and bladder muscle, but has not spread to the rest of the organ or the rest of your body. | Stage II The cancer has grown into the bladder muscle, but has not reached the tissue surrounding the outside of your bladder. | Stage III The cancer has grown outside of the bladder, and close to organs such as the prostate or uterus, or a lymph node, but has not spread beyond the abdomen. | Stage IV The cancer has spread outside the bladder into other areas of the body. |
While symptoms can vary depending on the stage of the disease, there are a few that are more common indicators of bladder cancer and should not be ignored. These include:15
Additionally, patients may experience weight loss or fatigue.16 If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, your doctor may recommend a series of tests. This may include testing a urine sample for signs of blood, cancerous cells, or other substances commonly found in those with bladder cancer.17 Your doctor may also require a CT scan to see if there are any visual signs of cancer.18
Another common test is called a cystoscopy, in which a urologist will use a thin tube with a camera at the end to inspect the urinary tract and bladder for signs of cancer. If the urologist finds an abnormal area, they will take a small tissue sample, a procedure also known as TURBT (transurethral resection of bladder tumour), to determine whether it is cancer, and how invasive it is.18
Bladder cancer is the 10th most common cancer worldwide. Among all cancers, it is the 6th most common cancer among men and the 17th most common cancer among women.19 Overall, there are roughly 550,000 new cases of bladder cancer globally each year.20 In 2020, Europe accounted for slightly more than 200,000 cases in men and women combined — roughly 35% of all new cases in the world.21 However, its commonality is also matched by its survival rate. Around 77% of those with bladder cancer survive at least five years after their diagnosis, depending on the type of cancer and the stage in which it is discovered.22
Along with gender, there are risk factors that can make bladder cancer more likely to develop, including:
There are several bladder cancer treatments available that vary based on the stage of your cancer.27 While bladder cancer has a varying prognosis based on stage,22 recurrences are not uncommon.28 Regular screenings are recommended to ensure the cancer has not returned.27
Along with these treatments, ask your doctor if clinical trials are available and whether you may qualify to participate.
The emotional and physical shock of a cancer diagnosis can be incredibly difficult to handle. It can be scary or even incite anger, and it’s important to understand that these emotions are normal, expected, and acceptable. Do not forget, treating your bladder cancer is not just about surgery or medications, it’s about finding the right emotional support as well.15
Many of those diagnosed with, and treated for, bladder cancer often continue to live normal lives. However, treatments can cause significant changes to your lifestyle, which may cause emotional distress and bring a period of adjustment – both physically and mentally. For some patients, it may be learning how to live with a hidden urine bag, for others, how to use a catheter. These changes may affect your social life, your intimate relations and how you perceive your own body.15 Find someone who can talk through these emotions with you and be open with your friends and family members about how you are feeling.
One way to overcome the changes that may seem forced on you is to embrace the changes you can decide to take on your own, starting with a healthy lifestyle. Quitting smoking, reducing alcohol, eating balanced meals and getting exercise are all ways not only to strengthen your body but to reinforce your mind and take some control of your life.31
It is important, however, that if you experience adverse events, especially in later stages of the disease, you should notify your doctor immediately, because your doctor may be able to help by adjusting dosage or supportive care.
The list below includes example questions to help start a conversation with your health care provider. There may be other relevant questions based on your symptoms, stage, and medical history that are not listed here.
In Europe, bladder cancer is the 5th most common cancer, and it is estimated that by the year 2030, around 219,000 people will be diagnosed across Europe each year.32
People living with the advanced stages of the disease often face poor outcomes, with a 35% and 5% survival rate over five years in locally advanced and metastatic UC patients, respectively.33 This means there is a high unmet need for new treatment options in this space.23 At Janssen, we are embracing this challenge.
There is strong scientific evidence to show that the earlier the diagnosis of bladder cancer, the better the prognosis is for patients.34
We are focusing on better understanding the drivers of urothelial cancer, the most common type of bladder cancer,32 and we are exploring targeted therapies – alone and in combination – to improve patients’ expected outcomes as a result of their treatment.
This website is developed exclusively by Janssen Pharmaceutica NV. Please note that the patient advocacy groups, and external sources listed below are an additional and independent source of information you might find useful. These groups and sources were not involved in the creation of this website and do not endorse its content in any way.
The World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition promotes bladder cancer awareness, unites those with the disease to create support groups, and engages in advocacy for new medical research.
Action Bladder Cancer UK engages the public in awareness campaigns around this disease, identifies new research areas, and offers support to patients and their loved ones.